Our strengths
The elements rule . . .

The elements represent fundamental forces that rule the world we live in.

And Energy work is all about dealing with the elements, the fundamentals; understanding their nature.

We, at PSI Energy Infra, draw our strength from these fundamental ideas of nature.

We have realized that key to success in most engineering applications lies in harnessing the elements; making them work for us rather than against us.

In energy conservation work we deal with parameters of energy that undergo conversion from one form to another.

In power quality work we deal with parameters of energy that affect stability & health of equipments.

In energy management work we deal with effective measurement and control of energy flow.

In installation services work we deal with health of infra-structure to support energy flow.

We prefer to approach the engineering problems with a positive and fresh mindset, adapting to new ideas, technologies & products.

For us, every difficulty is an opportunity in work cloths; challenging us ever to expand our horizons.

Our field studies are our greatest laboratories.

We develop specific methodologies to help our customers to right size energy consumption, improve power quality, enhance operational safety and reliability through strengthening their energy infra- structure.

Building blocks of an integrated solution

By providing an integrated solution we prefer to assume that added responsibility, to walk that extra mile to impart completeness to the solution; covering its various aspects.

  • Identification of application
  • Field studies with advanced instrumentation
  • Comprehensive reporting
  • Design, development and formulation of solution
  • Cost estimates, vendor co-ordination, procurement assistance
  • Supervision, testing & commissioning assistance
  • Post implementation monitoring
  • Continued support

Energy Integra offers services that cover a wide range of applications in power engineering. If we take a closer look, we would find that these are often interdependent; that while working with one, another application requires attention or pitches in support.

The services are generally classified as follows

  • Energy conservation
  • Power Quality Management
  • Intelligent Energy Management
  • Electrical Installation Surveys
  • Power System Studies
  • Root Cause Analysis & Performance Evaluation
  • Independent inspection, testing & commissioning
  • Optimization : Refurbishment & Retro-fit
